The international Healthcare Brokerage Event at MEDICA fair has a tradition of 20 years now. In the last years the brokerage event had always about 350 participants from about 40 countries with 700 pre-selected and agreed meetings.

The aim is to assist enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners worldwide for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, distribution partnerships, research cooperation, joint ventures, financing/investment, public buyers or other types of partnership.

The year 2020 is a very special year. The effects of the COVID-19 virus are commonplace for all of us, especially if we work in the health sector. Due to the COVID-19 conditions, the Healthcare Brokerage Event in 2020 is organised VIRTUALLY.

To support as many meetings as possible, more meeting days are offered:

14.1, 27.1, 16.2, 11.3 and 29.3

Why participate:

  • Use the event to initiate new businesses
  • Meet providers of innovative technologies from throughout Europe and beyond
  • Enter into contact with potential partners for future co-operation
  • Establish cross-border contacts for long-term business relationships
  • Find new partners for research projects

More information and registration here,



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