TONL20220513017 – X-ray based innovative screening technology to precisely identify unknown materials behind thick barriers for security and or quality control

A Dutch SME developed x-ray screening technology to identify unknown materials behind barriers and amorphous materials, fluids in non-transparent casings (bottels, parcels, drums). Other applications include the analysis of cracks, wall thickness, corrosion, delamination, homogeneity and porosity. SME seeks partners to develop application specific instruments based on the X-ray screening technology, in security sector, quality control, composites, metal in aerospace sector.

Dutch SME invented a new method for screening of objects based on elastic and inelastic x-ray scattering. Technology features are:
1. Very high energy x-rays are used, resulting in high penetration depths
2. The x-ray signals coming back from the materials have very high energy, so signals can be transmitted through the environment.

This technology enables to analyse crystalline, amorphous or fluid materials, hidden behind material barriers, like glass, composites, syntetic materials, aluminium, steel etc. The screening technology uses software architecture that is scalable for online and interconnected systems.
The screening method is proven on several prototypes and experiments. POP’s are developed f.i. for corrosion detection, security, defence applications and composites testing.

Valuable application sectors for this screening method are:
• The airport a.o. security sectors: Check of parcels, cargo, luggage, laptop etc.
• The defence sector: explosive detection, weapon check etc.
• Industry in general: quality check on component production, also in food or medicine production, structure and integrity checks on materials and installation.

The technology detects cracks and thickness changes of oil tanks, corrosion problems behind coatings, delamination in layered PCB’s, homogeneity checks of layered materials and porosity problems.

The Dutch SME has a certified advanced high energy x-ray laboratory. It is suitable for fundamental research experiments (open non-shielded experimental set-up, POP’s, POC’s), and for testing&validation of industrial prototypes&first series.

The Dutch SME closely cooperates with partners to offer a new line of high-resolution detectors.
The Dutch SME looks for partners to develop R&D projects and/or industrial applications in mentioned application sectors. The Dutch SME is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance. with system integrators or manufacturers of applications based on x-ray screening technology.


The most important advantages and innovations are:

  • The determination of a large variety of materials that are hidden behind barriers. The barriers could also be made of a large variety of materials
  • The use of very high energy x-rays, resulting in high penetration depths.
  • The x-ray signals coming back from the materials also have very high energy. This results in a strong signal transport though the environment and a strong detection of the signals
  • The use of a software architecture that is very suitable for online and interconnected systems
  • The SME has been involved in various national and European research and development projects, and has build up its network with applied research institutes in Germany & The Netherlands, with specialized component companies, start-ups as well as established and high-end system suppliers.


The Dutch SME offers the x-ray based screening technology. The partner is desired to be the system integrator or the manufacturer of the application using the screening technology.

The Dutch SME offers the x-ray based screening technology. The partner is desired to be the system integrator or the manufacturer of the application using the screening technology.

Type of partner:
Industry, production & manufacturing, quality or safety control systems

System integrators or manufacturers of applications based on x-ray screening technology

Role of the partner:
The partner is desired to be the system integrator or the manufacturer of the application using the screening technology

The Dutch SME is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance, with system integrators or manufacturers of applications based on x-ray screening technology.

The Dutch SME offers the x-ray based screening technology, to be integrated in an application or system of a partner

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