BIT2B on ICT + Sustainability

A virtual brokerage event promoted by Area Science Park


Area Science Park is a public national research organization that promotes the development of innovation processes.

For over 40 years, its mission has been to boost connections between research and enterprise, public administration and the private sector, supporting national and international initiatives and fostering territorial development. Area Science Park BIT2B is a virtual event giving the opportunity to meet companies settled in Area Science Park developing innovative solutions related to  ICT, Digital & Sustainability.

AREA Science Park tenants are welcoming companies, start ups, research related organisations willing to set up cooperation opportunities and develop joint projects and business and technology transfer in the area of ICT solution providing, digitalisation and sustainability.

Topics addressed?

  • Electronics and telecommunication
  • Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Big data & Cloud computing
  • GIS, fleet management, logistics
  • Industrial automation, robotics and image processing
  • Virtual prototyping and industrial processes optimisation
  • Corporate digital learning,  E-Coaching Tools
  • multimedia contents and tools, VR, AR
  • Image and data health management
  • Environmental, renewable energy sources management and biogas
  • Bio-based sources for industrial applications
  • ICT applied to agriculture
  • Circular economy

Why participate?


Get to know a great virtual place for research and business cooperation opportunities! Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled 1:1 online meetings  with Area Science Park tenants and discuss with them new technology and innovative solutions!


Publish and showcase your products, projects, services or business needs through our market place and get new partnerships with potential Italian customers!


Share your project ideas with potential partners and join forces to submit proposals to forthcoming European funding opportunities related to ICT and sustainability issues!

More info and registration:

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