Limassol, Cyprus

November 12th 10:00 CET

Republic of Cyprus, an island about 80 kilometers south of Turkey. With an area of 9,251 km2 the island has 1,191,685 inhabitants. The island is divided into Greek Cyprus and Turkish Cyprus.

The program:

  • Brief introduction by Mr Evert Jan Schouwstra, WTC Leeuwarden
  • Presenting Cyrpus video
  • Presentation about WTC Limassol, doing business in Cyprus and Limassol and key sectors of the country. By Mr. Antony Georgakis – Operations Manager
  • Presentation about Cyprus International Businesses Association and why do business in Cyprus? By Mr. Andreas Pishias – General Secretary of the Cyprus International Businesses Association (CIBA)
  • Q&A

Will you join them? Find out more during the webinar about Cyprus! JOIN HERE.


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