
In de databank van Enterprise Europe Network vindt u vele duizenden profielen van internationale ondernemingen die opzoek zijn naar potentiële samenwerkingspartners op het gebied van handel of technologie. Zo vindt u in de databank ook vele verzoeken van Hongaarse ondernemers.

Hongaarse consumentenmarkt en bestedingspatroon

De inkomens stijgen geleidelijk. Hierdoor kunnen de Hongaren meer besteden. Zij kiezen voor hoogwaardige producten en voedingsmiddelen. In vergelijking met andere Europese landen zijn de Hongaarse inkomens relatief gelijk verdeeld. Maar er zijn regionale verschillen. Zo ligt in de stad Boedapest het gemiddelde inkomen ongeveer 50% hoger dan op het platteland.

De consumentenuitgaven zijn laag naar westerse maatstaven. Het meest uitgaven gaan naar voeding en alcoholische dranken, woonlasten en transportmiddelen. De consument besteedt ook steeds meer aan vervoer en kleding, huishoudelijke apparatuur en recreatie. Ook uitgaven voor ICT zullen verder stijgen, omdat het aantal telefoons en internetaansluitingen nog zal toenemen.

De vergrijzing zal van invloed zijn op het bestedingspatroon. Hierdoor zal de vraag naar gezondheidsproducten stijgen. Het bestedingspatroon van 65-plussers gaat uit naar basisbenodigdheden en niet zo zeer aan luxeproducten.


Wij hebben een overzicht opgesteld van een aantal Hongaarse ondernemingen die op zoek zijn naar samenwerkingspartners in Nederland.

  1. Hungarian company that implements activities in legal and real estate sector is looking for partners, agents or representatives for services or joint venture agreement.

Hungarian SME with activities in real estate and legal sector provides complex, full scale services in a wide range of legal issues including real estate sale and development, corporate law, mergers and acquisitions tax, commercial law and public procurement. The Hungarian firm interested in signing services agreement with companies from EU countries or from Switzerland, Norway, Serbia, Russia and USA. BOHU20150302002

  1. Hungarian crushed garlic products manufacturer seeks distributors or agents

Hungarian SME specialized in production of crushed garlic goods is seeking trade intermediaries such as distributors or commercial agents for selling its products in Europe. The kitchen-ready solution is optimal for restaurants/kitchens. BOHU20150609002

  1. Hungarian producer of paper products is looking for distributors.

The Hungarian company specialized in manufacturing of special paper products like memory books/drawing books illustrated with the design of a famous Hungarian designer and invitation cards is looking for distributors all over the world, in a frame of distribution services agreement. BOHU20150114001

  1. New device for investigation compactness-rate and dynamic modulus of earthwork

An SME partner of a Hungarian Technology Transfer Office has developed a new device for Investigation Dynamic Compactness-rate and Dynamic Modulus of Earthwork (B&C), which can measure two very different parameters, like the Compaction-rate (Dpr%) and the dynamic Bearing modulus (Ed) all over the world. This means that this device includes two equipment characteristics instead of one. The SME’s intention is to spread and license his technology and know-how all over the world. TOHU20150303002

  1. Mobile wood briquette machine

A Hungarian SME – specialized in technical research and development – has developed a new mobile briquette making machine with an aim of processing the wooden waste for energetic purposes anywhere it occurs. The technology makes the storage and transport of raw wooden waste material economical. The company is looking for industrial, financial and/or license partners for further development and production. TOHU20150814002

  1. Carrier materials for mosquito larvae killing pesticides

A Hungarian institute has developed a novel method for the production of carrier material for mosquito larvae killing pesticides. The new environmentally friendly multilayer carrier gives controlled release of larvacide, storage-stability, homogeneous spraying, and floating on water surface. The carrier will of interest for firms producing of insecticides. The developer is interested in a license agreement, joint venture agreement or commercial agreement supported by technical consultancy. TOHU20150814001

  1. Hungarian trader of farm supplies (such animal feeds, milk replacers, mineral and vitamin supplements, other accessories) mainly for cattle and horses is looking for trade intermediary services, agents or distributors in the EU.

A Hungarian company active in trading of different farm supplies, expert consulting in the field of animal feeding and breeding, owning stores in Hungary and Romania is looking for trade intermediaries in Europe. BOHU20150318001

  1. Hungarian over ground constructional, transporting, civil engineering SME is offering its services as a subcontractor for oil/water/chemical/constructional industries.

Hungarian civil engineering, over ground constructional, oil industrial works specialist and transporting company is offering its services as a subcontractor preferably in Western and Northern Europe. BOHU20150914002

  1. Hungarian manufacturer of pharmaceutical products is looking for distributor partners or agents.

A Hungarian SME develops, produces and distributes pharmaceuticals, food supplements and medical devices. The Company offers its products to foreign distributors or agents for selling the products on their domestic market. BOHU20150928001

Meer informatie

Nederlandse bedrijven verdienen hun geld voor een groot deel over de grens. Enterprise Europe Network Nederland en de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) zetten zich daarom gezamenlijk actief in voor de belangen van Nederlandse bedrijven in het buitenland.

Indien u in één van de bovenstaande Hongaarse profielen bent geïnteresseerd dan kunt u dit kenbaar maken door te klikken op de titel van het betreffende samenwerkingsverzoek.

Of neem contact op met Enterprise Europe Network Nederland.

E-mail: info@enterpriseeuropenetwork.nl

Meer informatie vindt u ook op de onderstaande webpagina.

Bron: RVO.nl

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