Within the GlobalStars initiative of EUREKA, the world’s largest network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation, Singapore, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, Turkey and the UK are launching an open call.

Participants from Singapore and the respective EUREKA member countries are invited to submit joint project proposals in the research and development of innovative products and applications with strong market potential. This call will focus on:

  • Medical Technology
  • Smart Mobility and logistics
  • Advanced Manufacturing

Please refer to the following links on the eligibility criteria and submission process:

·        EUREKA Global Stars Initiative

·        Call for Proposals between Singapore and 7 Participating EUREKA Countries 

  Searching for project opportunities?
  If you have a project opportunity and would like to seek a Singapore partner or a partner from the other participating EUREKA member countries to participate in the call, please visit the EUREKA GlobalStars Singapore Open Competition Marketplace or get in touch with us.

Please note that the deadline for applications is 26 September 2019.

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